Download 100e English Learning Platform v7.0 For Free!
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What’s 100e
Getting Started    Introduction

100e is a Network Software, a textbook that can speak Chinese.

    You could find English textbooks that fit you within 100e. The words and pictures within it looks exactly the same as your paper textbook. But they can speak, can talk to you, and can also teach you English! They're veritable talking books. With kinds of features that are easy to use, they could make your study much easier and more efficient. The first lesson of each book could be used for free. Please download and experience it now!

    With functions like "full article study", "sentences reading", "listening to distinguish sentence," "role playing" and "vocabulary build", 100e empower you to learn quickly, simply and efficiently.

    The books in 100e Library are all legitimate books provided by the publishing house. And the first lesson of each book can be used for free, in that case you could find out whether the book meets your need or not before buying it. You can use all books from 100e Library in a whole year by paying only 365 RMB Yuan. Wanna visit our library right now? Please click here.

    We provide convenient payment to customers. Payment can be made simply by a credit card according with international standard. Click here to pay.

    Wanna communicate and share life with your friends freely by speaking English? Please click here right now to download 100e English Learning Platform for free.
